# Migration guide from alpha.12.2 to alpha.12.3

Here are the major changes:

  • Framework tests suite
  • Filters in the Content Manager plugin
  • One way relation in the Content-Type Builder
  • GraphQL update: timestamp fields update and some bug fixes
  • Fix delete manyToMany relations with Mongoose

Useful links:


Feel free to join us on Slack (opens new window) and ask questions about the migration process.

# Getting started

Install Strapi alpha.12.3 globally on your computer. To do so run npm install strapi@3.0.0-alpha.12.3 -g.

When it's done, generate a new empty project strapi new myNewProject (don't pay attention to the database configuration).

# Update node modules

Update the Strapi's dependencies version (move Strapi's dependencies to 3.0.0-alpha.12.3 version) of your project.

Run npm install strapi@3.0.0-alpha.12.3 --save to update your strapi version and then run the same command for strapi-mongoose or strapi-bookshelf depending on the module you use in your application.

# Update the Admin


If you performed updates in the Admin, you will have to manually migrate your changes.

Delete your old admin folder and replace it with the new one.

# Update the Plugins


If you did a custom update on one of the plugins, you will have to manually migrate your update.

Copy the fields and relations you had in your /plugins/users-permissions/models/User.settings.json and /plugins/users-permissions/config/jwt.json file in the new one.

Then, delete your old plugins folder and replace it with the new one.

# ⚠️ Warning for SQL users

Please check your decimal data type. If in the past you received string instead of number the issue has been fixed.

Same thing for boolean type, if in the past you received 1 and 0 instead of true and false. We fixed it.

# ⚠️ Warning for GraphQL users

GraphQL timestamp attribute change. If you are using mongoose nothing will change for you.

If you are using bookshelf you will have to change created_at and updated_at by createdAt and updatedAt

# Add count route

You need to add a new route in your API.

Update the ./api/:name/config/route.json file to add the new route. ⚠️ put it BEFORE the findOne route.

  "method": "GET",
  "path": "/article/count",
  "handler": "Article.count",
  "config": {
    "policies": []

Then update your controller's file and add the count action.

 * Count article records.
 * @return {Number}

count: async ctx => {
  return strapi.services.article.count(ctx.query);

For Mongo applications update the service of your API with the following code:

 * Promise to count articles.
 * @return {Promise}

count: params => {
  // Convert `params` object to filters compatible with Mongo.
  const filters = strapi.utils.models.convertParams('article', params);

  return Article.count().where(filters.where);

And for Postgres and MySQL applications with this one:

 * Promise to count a/an article.
 * @return {Promise}

count: params => {
  // Convert `params` object to filters compatible with Bookshelf.
  const filters = strapi.utils.models.convertParams('article', params);

  return Article.query(function(qb) {
    _.forEach(filters.where, (where, key) => {
      if (_.isArray(where.value)) {
        for (const value in where.value) {
          qb[value ? 'where' : 'orWhere'](key, where.symbol, where.value[value]);
      } else {
        qb.where(key, where.symbol, where.value);

That's all, you have now upgraded to Strapi alpha.12.3.