# Migration guide from beta.19.x to beta.20

Upgrading your Strapi application to v3.0.0-beta.20.

Make sure your server is not running until the end of the migration

# Upgrading your dependencies

Start by upgrading your dependencies. Make sure to use exact versions.

Update your package.json accordingly:

  // ...
  "dependencies": {
    "strapi": "3.0.0-beta.20",
    "strapi-admin": "3.0.0-beta.20",
    "strapi-connector-bookshelf": "3.0.0-beta.20",
    "strapi-plugin-content-manager": "3.0.0-beta.20",
    "strapi-plugin-content-type-builder": "3.0.0-beta.20",
    "strapi-plugin-email": "3.0.0-beta.20",
    "strapi-plugin-graphql": "3.0.0-beta.20",
    "strapi-plugin-upload": "3.0.0-beta.20",
    "strapi-plugin-users-permissions": "3.0.0-beta.20",
    "strapi-utils": "3.0.0-beta.20"

Then run either yarn install or npm install.

# Index page

Some users have been asking to make the / route customizable and to be able to disable it.

To allow customizations, the server will now serve the files in your ./public folder as is. To migrate, you must delete the index.html and production.html files in the ./public directory.

From now on, if you don't have any index.html file in your ./public folder, the server will render the default Strapi homepage.

You can now also disable this behavior with the public.defaultIndex option. Read the documentation here.

# Upload plugin settings

A lot of our users have been requesting that we move some back-end specific configurations to files. While implementing the media library feature, we decided to move the upload plugin settings to files.

This means that you now have to configure your provider directly in the files. You can read the documentation here to update.

# MongoDB Media relation changes


The guide below only applies if you are using MongoDB/Mongoose, if you are using a Bookshelf database you can simply skip to the rebuilding step

In the media library features, We wanted to make sure media would keep their ordering. To implement this in mongo we had to change the way the media relation was built.

Previously, the upload_file collection was the one keeping track of the relations and the entity related to the file had not reference to it. Implementing ordering without changes the relations proved unfeasible. Finally we decided to add the reverse reference in the entities so it would make accessing the files really easy.

You will hence need to migrate your mongo database to avoid losing references to your files.

# Backup your database

When running in production, you should always backup your database before running migrations. To backup a mongo database, look at the documentation here (opens new window)

# Export model metadatas

First create a export.js file at the root of your project with the following content:

const fs = require('fs');

  .then(() => {
    const models = {};

    Object.keys(strapi.api).forEach(apiName => {
      Object.values(strapi.api[apiName].models || {}).forEach(model => {
        models[model.globalId] = formatModel(model);

    Object.keys(strapi.plugins).forEach(pluginName => {
      Object.values(strapi.plugins[pluginName].models || {}).forEach(model => {
        models[model.globalId] = formatModel(model);

    Object.values(strapi.components).forEach(model => {
      models[model.globalId] = formatModel(model);

    fs.writeFileSync('models.json', JSON.stringify(models, null, 2));

function formatModel(model) {
  return {
    collection: model.collectionName,
    files: Object.keys(model.attributes).reduce((acc, key) => {
      const attr = model.attributes[key];
      if (attr.model === 'file' && attr.plugin === 'upload') {
        acc[key] = 'single';

      if (attr.collection === 'file' && attr.plugin === 'upload') {
        acc[key] = 'multiple';
      return acc;
    }, {}),

then run the script from the root of your project

node export.js

This script will create a models.json file at the root of your project that looks like:

  "ModelName": {
    "collection": "collectionName",
    "files": {
      "image": "single",
      "images": "multiple"

# Create migration script

You then need to create the mongo shell script to run to migrate your data structure. First create a migration.js file with the following code:

var models = {
  /* paste the object model.json  here */

for (var i in models) {
  var model = models[i];
  var update = {};
  var keyCount = 0;

  for (var key in model.files) {
    keyCount += 1;
    update[key] = '';

  if (keyCount > 0) {
    db.getCollection(model.collection).update({}, { $unset: update }, { multi: true });

var fileCursor = db.getCollection('upload_file').find({});

while (fileCursor.hasNext()) {
  var el = fileCursor.next();
  el.related.forEach(function(fileRef) {
    var model = models[fileRef.kind];

    if (!model) {

    var fieldType = model.files && model.files[fileRef.field];

    // stop if the file points to a field the user didn't specify
    if (!fieldType) {

    if (fieldType === 'single') {
        { _id: fileRef.ref },
        { $set: { [fileRef.field]: el._id } }
    } else if (fieldType === 'multiple') {
        { _id: fileRef.ref },
        { $push: { [fileRef.field]: el._id } }

  if (el.name) {
    var splitName = el.name.split('.');
    var name = splitName[0];
    var ext = splitName[1];
    if (ext) {
      db.getCollection('upload_file').updateOne({ _id: el._id }, { $set: { name: name } });

Then you will need to copy the content of models.json to the models variable at the top of this script:

var models = {
  ModelName: {
    collection: 'collectionName',
    files: {
      image: 'single',
      images: 'multiple',

// rest of the script

Finally you can load this script in your mongo shell and run it.

Note that after migration the name field of the files you uploaded will be replaced with a name without an extension. If you were displaying the file name including the extension on the front end, you might have to show the extension separately through the ext field.

Once your migration is done you can delete the export.js and models.json files from your project. You are all set !

# Rebuilding your administration panel

You can run yarn build --clean or npm run build -- --clean to rebuild your admin panel with the newly installed version of strapi.

Finally restart your server: yarn develop or npm run develop.